I have a working facebook fbml application tab on a page. It was working perfectly but today when i checked it was generating an error.
Errors while loading page from application
Parse errors:
FBML Error (line 18): illegal tag "body" under "fb:tab-position"
FBML Error (line 26): illegal tag "noscript" under "fb:tab-position"
FBML Error (line 44): illegal tag "noscript" under "fb:tab-position"
Runtime errors:
HTML error while rendering tag "link": There is a hard limit of 2 css link tags on profile tabs in order to remain under the IE 31 tag limit.
HTML error while rendering tag "link": There is a hard limit of 2 css link tags on profile tabs in order to remain under the IE 31 tag limit.
Cannot allow external script
My settings are:
Canvas Page URL: http://apps.facebook.com/myfeedback/
Canvas Callback URL: http://mydomain/myfile/
Tab Name: Feedback
Tab URL: http://apps.facebook.com/myfeedback/
This is an fbml application without any body tags
I am unable to find out the reason for the same.
Please help me on this.