



I'm using ASP.NET 3.5 with AJAX and have enabled history on the Script Manager. I have 2 pages, Default.aspx and Default2.aspx. I'm using the AJAX History on the Default.aspx page and saving history points on the server-side. There are some dropdowns on Default.aspx that I don't want to save a history point for each change but would like to save the latest state so that when I click on a link on Default.aspx that navigates to Default2.aspx, when I click the back button on Default2.aspx to return I want the dropdowns to reflect what they were prior to clicking on the hyperlink.

So what I'd like to do is modify the history point that I originally set on one of my ajax async postbacks on the client-side before the page navigates away to Default2.aspx. There is a location.hash javascript property that looks like it may do what I want but when I modify the value the Script Manager Navigate event is firing. Is there a way to prevent this event from firing? And would this then do the job?

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