Hello Experts!!!
I've been facing a deployment problem.I've built a WPF application
with visual studio 2008
and created an installer
(msi) which works fine.But then it's pain to add automatic
update to it. i've seen this article at windowsclient.net but it seems to be pretty old but could have been the perfect thing for me.Then i looked at the .Net Application updater block v2.0
which uses enterprise library june 2005
and for some reason it's not installing on my machine.
I thought i will need to use a more recent Enterprise library so i installed and compiled Enterprise 4.1(october 2008)
but nothing better happened.To i decided to give a try to CLickonce
deployment.After struggling with it, it was almost perfect.I realized that when i was testing the updates provided by the clickonce on my machine which is XP i didn't notice the need of having sqlite dll in the GAC
. surely it was already there.I noticed it when i moved to vista that there is a problem.After checking the net i know it's impossible to add a dll to the Global Assembly Cache
Now i'm stuck, i think i've hit a wall.Can any one share some of his experience? I'm willing to try the updater block if i can get help.
Thanks for reading this!!