



I did a program and in some point - when the program needs to exit he throw an exception here is the code

    Application.Run(new Form1());
catch (ExitException) { }

In the VS it's working fine (VS 2008 - C#) But when I run it separately from the VS - the program say so the error is not handled

I know so I can do like this Application.ExitThread() - But... I need to handle the exit of the program.

  1. Why In VS its work fine and outside its create errors?

  2. And how to solve it without using the global error handling?

Thanks in advance

+2  A: 

Take a look at the AppDomain.UnhandledException event
The event handler gets a parameter of type UnhandledExceptionEventArgs that has the property ExitApplication if set to false the application will not exit after the exeption handler.

ThanksBut This is a global error handling....I want so it will work as if VS ruining it
I edited my answer