How would you evaluate project size?
Part A: Before you start a project.
Part B: For a complete project.
I am interested in comparing unrelated projects. Here are some options:
1) Lines of code.
- I know that this is not a good metric of productivity but is this a reasonable measure of project size?
- If I wanted to estimate how long it would take to recreate a project would this be a reasonable way to do it? How many lines of code should I estimate a day?
2) Function Points.
- Functions points are defined as the number of:
- inputs
- outputs
- inquires
- internal files
- external interfaces
- Anyone have a veiw point on whether this is a good measure?
- Is there a way to **actually do this?
Does anyone have another solution? Hours taken seems like it could be a useful metric but not solely. If I ask you what is a "bigger program" and give you two programs how would you approach the question?
I have seen several discussions of this on stackover flow but most discuss how to measure programmer productivity. I am more interested in project size.