Hi! I have been trying to figure out what's wrong with grailsui accordion. I have checked out the sample source files (http://guidemo.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/) from different ui tags, like menu, datatable and etc. they are working fine but the accordion is not working properly. All i can see is all of the divs shown. the panels are not moving since they are already shown. I've also followed the screencast for it. I've used the yui-skin-sam class name and I've downloaded the grails plugins.grails-ui=1.2-SNAPSHOT. I am not sure what's wrong.I used the rich-ui plugin and it is working great. But there are still features that are not in rich-ui compared to the possible configurations for the grails-ui tags.
Anyway. if you have any suggestions to what js library I may use for a grails application or if you have a working grails-ui accordion sample, I would really appreciate it.
Thanks in advance. Hope you can help me since I am still new to Grails.