




Hi I am working on an application which reads XML file. Here I am trying to read "name" node under the "a"node not under the node "b". When I tried to read the root "name" node I get both nodes. Please help me to solve the problem. Bellow is the sample.

        <name> 123 </name>
      <name> main </name>

    QDomDocument mDocument;
     QDomElement  mDocumentElement;
     if (!mDocument.setContent(file.readAll())) 
         return ;      

     mDocumentElement = mDocument.documentElement();
     QDomNodeList list  = mDocumentElement.elementsByTagName("a").at(0).toElement().elementsByTagName("name");

     int count = list.count();
     for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
      QString str = list.at(i).nodeValue();
      QMessageBox::information(this, "text", str, QMessageBox::Yes, 0);

If your XML traversal is based on the structure and not based on the content type, you can follow this..

QDomDocument mDocument;
QDomElement  mDocumentElement;
if (!mDocument.setContent(file.readAll())) 
    return ;      

mDocumentElement = mDocument.documentElement();
QDomNodeList list = mDocumentElement.childNodes();
QDomElement firstChild = list.at(0).toElement(); // will return the first child
QDomElement secondChild = list.at(1).toElement(); // second child

To obtain the data present in between the tags,

QString childData = firstChild.text();

can be used. Similarly, You can traverse till your desired <name> and its value can be used. Remember childNodes() will return only the list of direct childs. Hope am clear. It isn't tested but should work.


You can iterate over direct children of the "a" element using QDomNode::firstChild(QString tagName) and QDomNode::nextSiblingElement(QString tagName). The code will looks like:

QDomDocument mDocument;
if (!mDocument.setContent(file.readAll())) 
    return ;      

QDomElement  mElement = mDocument.documentElement().firstChildElement("name");
while ( !mElement.isNull() )
    // do all you need to do with <name> element
    mElement = mElement.nextSiblingElement("name");

I've tested this code on your example XML and it works if you'll fix tag mismatch on this line: <x>rrr</X>
