I need to create a web (or non-web) system where a user can create a template layout with tags and placeholders for elements. They could then add new pages to this template. My system would need to pick up any elements that have changed and create an XML of the tagged content. I was just wondering what would be the best CMS or any other software I could use to implement this?
Did you have a look at Hippo CMS: http://www.onehippo.com/en/products/cms/try
Templates are created in the Hippo Site Toolkit. Users can create a template in the Hippo site toolkit editor. You can connect the Hippo repository (based on Jackrabbit) to pick up elements (which then can be indexed through Lucene).
If you have any questions, you can ask them on the Hippo mailinglist.
Tjeerd Brenninkmeijer
2010-09-06 08:07:20
You could have a look at Open Source CMS
It is a site that has numerous CMS demo's available that you can try out.
With this you can have a look at some or all of the available packages and choose the one that best suite your needs
Pieter van Niekerk
2010-09-06 08:28:33