I was considering trying PLINQ to parallelize some numerical methods which need to be portable. Does Mono implement Parallel LINQ? If so, how does performance compare between .NET and mono.
This blog post back from 2008 claimed support. Now that was a long time before Parallel Extensions was actually released... I don't know how closely Mono has been tracking the Microsoft API.
Jon Skeet
2010-06-01 09:48:50
Seems it would be safe to use .NET 3.0 methods for the time being?
2010-06-01 09:54:53
@ccook: That might be safest until 2.8 is ready.
Jon Skeet
2010-06-01 10:03:53
I think I will do just that, thank you
2010-06-01 10:58:01
Mono trunk as of June 22nd has that code on SVN, hopefully you can try it and help us by taking it out for a spin and filing bug reports.
2010-06-22 05:31:49
Mono 2.8 Parallel Framework is good but generates too much garbages. misfortune :(
2010-10-16 15:18:29