




I need your help to understand this better. This is my case. I have a custom validator for each of my input controls in the form. So when there is any validation error,I add a corresponding FacesMessage in the validate method. My understanding was that when there is any validation error - or when there are any FacesMessages added in the validate method of the Custom Validator, it would skip the INVOKE APPLICATION phase and would directly call the RENDER RESPONSE PHASE - showing the FacesMessage that was added in the PROCESS VALIDATION Phase - Is this correct?

The problem I'm facing is - I add a FacesMessage in the PROCESS VALIDATION Phase - because of a validation error - and I add a confirmation message for the action that was taken by the user in the INVOKE APPLICATION PHASE - Now both are shown in the page in the RENDER RESPONSE Phase ? - If my understanding is correct in the above question - is it the best practice to conditionally add a confirmation FacesMessage after confirming that there are no FacesMessages in the currect FacesContext ?

This is how the message is added :

FacesMessage facesMessage = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR,Constants.invalidMessageDetail,null);
         FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, facesMessage);
throw new ValidatorException(facesMessage);

This is how it is shown:

<h:messages errorClass="ErrorMsg" warnClass="WarningMsg" infoClass="InfoMsg" layout="table"  />

Appreciate your help.

+1  A: 

My understanding was that when there is any validation error - or when there are any FacesMessages added in the validate method of the Custom Validator, it would skip the INVOKE APPLICATION phase and would directly call the RENDER RESPONSE PHASE - showing the FacesMessage that was added in the PROCESS VALIDATION Phase - Is this correct?

Partly true. It will only skip the update model values and invoke application phases when a ValidationException is been thrown, not when simply a FacesMessage is been added to the FacesContext.

If my understanding is correct in the above question - is it the best practice to conditionally add a confirmation FacesMessage after confirming that there are no FacesMessages in the currect FacesContext ?

You need to throw the ValidatorException as follows:

public void validate(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value) throws ValidatorException {
    if (value does not meet conditions) {
        throw new ValidatorException(new FacesMessage("value does not meet conditions"));

Then it will skip the update model values and invoke application phases as desired.

Thanks BalusC. That was really helpful. But now , the messages are shown twice in the page. My sysouts in the validate method shows that the message is added only once.Any idea what could be the problem ?
Maybe because you instructed the view side twice to show it? I.e. you have two `h:messages` elements. Hard to tell based on the as far given information.
I have added the code for How i add and how i show. Can you please check?
You are indeed explicitly adding two messages to the context yourself. Get rid of the `context.addMessage(null, facesMessage)` line, this is not the way you want to add a message during a validator exception. Just `throw new ValidatorException(facesMessage)` is enough.
your right. Thanks. I wonder How did you learn this?!!! coz the API doesn't say that throwing a ValidatorException adds the corresponding FacesMessage in the FacesContext.
Maybe because the book didn't mention at all that I have to manually add the FacesMessage to the context. It makes also sense after all. You're already passing the FacesMessage through the ValidatorException.