





Here is what I have:

  • Visual Studio 2008 (on 32-bit Windows XP)
  • Qt libraries 4.6.2 for Windows (VS 2008, 194 MB)
  • Visual Studio Add-in (44 MB)

After I installed all the software, I created simple Qt Application project, with Visual Studio: menu File | New | Project... and Qt4 Projects | Qt Application.

Build it, and here is the question: how to set application icon to my compiled exe file? I need to see specified ICO in explorer!

Old method with MyProject.pro not interested!!!

  1. Create a .ico file with both 16x16 and 32x32-pixel versions of the icon (you can do this in Visual Studio).

  2. Create a .rc file containing the following text:


  3. Add the following to your .pro file

    RC_FILE = myFile.rc

  4. Run qmake.



Right click you project on Solution Explorer and using the "Add" option include your icon in the project. It will include your icon and setup a rc file for you.

Vitor Py
@Vitor No, your answer not a solution. It's like if some one ask "what is a cow?", other man answered: "Oh, it's like a cat, or like a dog, but big, or just fat"... I think you better to remove such an answer. It's not the best one, but thank you!
The icon shown in explorer is defined by the first icon resource in the solution. You need a resource file and it must be setup in some way - be it a .pro or by using the Solution Explorer context menu. I don't believe you can find a different answer. And, next time, be polite.
Vitor Py
@Vitor As you can see from my question, I set bold one of the lines: *Visual Studio Add-in (44 MB)*. If I created Qt Application project with **that** add-in, it doesn't generate, or even used pro-files. Every information it, if I'm not mistaken, store in MSVC solution file, but not in pro. So adding *RC_FILE = myFile.rc* in pro is impossible! I don't want be polite, when you stolen my **Tumbleweed** badge!!! :|
+1  A: 

Totally, I have found the correct solution, here it is:

Preamble: You need Visual Studio Add-in already installed!

  1. Open Visual Studio (or Visual C++)
  2. Create new project from menu: File | New | Project... and select project type as Qt4 Projects and for example Qt Application from templates.
  3. When the first dialog window will be shown, just click Next > button twice.
  4. And finally in Generated Class tap the Add default application icon (Windows only) checkbox.

    alt text

  5. To finish process, just press Finish.

Project will create a default icon, with name {your_project_name}.ico. Replace it and have fun!
