



Q: Where should I check to track this down?


Opening a view model in my application sometimes makes dropdowns/datepickers nonfunctional.

ie. dropdown won't drop and the datepicker calendar won't come up

I suspect a binding issue but don't see one.

Dropdowns have normal things like strings, numbers.

One drop has a list of mini views.

Datepickers are bound to nullable dates set in the constructor of the viewmodel.

Note: These same things work in other viewmodels/views.

I can paste code, I'm just not sure what code is relevant here.


Take a look at

Sometimes simply rebooting will "fix" the problem (temporarily), but the link above will take you to a similar discussion (including my comments), which in turn have a link to an MSDN forums discussion and an XP hotfix for this problem.

Wonko the Sane
Thanks. I don't see a solution for windows 7, however, we can advise users to use the arrow keys. Weird to think it is a layering issue. Again, thanks for helping me out.
You bet. If you have an MSDN account, you may want to open an issue, as you aren't the only person I've seen (see other post) that needs a Windows 7 fix. Perhaps there already is one, or it may be fixed in .NET 4.0 - I haven't had the opportunity to check into that.
Wonko the Sane