



We're setting up RoR with Development on Mac OS X Client (10.6.3) and then using a Mac OS X Server (10.5.8) for testing and eventually deployment.

I'd like to get as many systems in sync on these machines as possible. Wondering if there are any pitfalls. I mostly understand what's necessary under Client but Server has some hard-wired stuff that I want to make sure doesn't break...or is, at least, updated correctly.

Currently installed on both machines we have:

OS X Client (10.6.3):

  • Ruby 1.8.7
  • Rails 2.3.5
  • MySQL (not installed yet)

OS X Server (10.5.8):

  • Ruby 1.8.6
  • Rails 2.3.5
  • MySQL Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.82

Any suggestions...Ideally from someone who's done this on Leopard Server as well but I'll listen to general tips & proceedures

Doubtful anyone'll notice but this is a cross-post from ServerFault where I initially felt it belonged...that post has only had 10 views and ZERO responses in past few days so I'm putting it on SO in the hopes that it'll find an answer...I'll make sure they both link to the correct answer if/when it comes.