



I've got this code... seems nice and elegant, but apparently the framework don't like it when i mess with a collection while iterating through it:

foreach (KitGroup kg in ProductToTransfer.KitGroups)    
// Remove kit groups that have been excluded by the user    
if (inKitGroupExclusions != null && inKitGroupExclusions.Contains(kg.KitGroupID))    
// Loop through the kit items and do other stuff    

The error it throws when it iterates to the 2nd object in the collection is: "EntitySet was modified during enumeration"

I know i could create a new collection of KitGroup objects (or even just IDs) that i want to remove, and then another loop afterwards to loop through these, and remove them from the collection, but this just seems like unnecessary extra code... can anybody suggest a more elegant way of achieving the same thing?

Cheers Greg

+3  A: 
foreach (KitGroup kg in ProductToTransfer.KitGroups.ToList())    
 // Remove kit groups that have been excluded by the user    
 if (inKitGroupExclusions != null && inKitGroupExclusions.Contains(kg.KitGroupID))    
 // Loop through the kit items and do other stuff    

or if KitGroups is of type List<T> already...

if(inKitGroupExclusion != null)
    ProductToTransfer.KitGroups.RemoveAll(x => inKitGroupExclusion.Contains(x));
foreach (KitGroup kg in ProductToTransfer.KitGroups)    
    // Loop through the kit items and do other stuff    

You can also use this second method on another IEnumerable<T> if you want to define the RemoveAll() behavior with an extension method. Be sure you don't try to use the RemoveAll() on a LINQ entity table because the inKitGroupExclusion.Contains() won't get translated into SQL.

Edit: just realized that it's not a list, just an EntitySet, so you will need to go with the first method.

Wow awesome... all i needed to do was convert it to a List. So its just because it was an EntitySet that i couldn't delete collection items in an enumeration... why is this?Thanks heaps, i knew there'd be an easy solution to this probleM :)
@Gregorius It's not the fact that it's an `EntitySet`, it's the fact that you're deleting from the object you're enumerating over. Calling `ToList` instantiates a new `List` object to enumerate over while you delete from the original `EntitySet`. You would have to use the same sort of procedure to delete items from a `List` or any other collection.
ahhh... that makes perfect sense. thanks Jake, much appreciated