




i need to read out all available actions from any controller in my web-app. The reason for this is an authorization system where i need to give users a list of allowed actions.

E.g.: User xyz has the authorization for executing the actions show, list, search. User admin has the authorization for executing the actions edit, delete etc.

I need to read out all actions from a controller. Does anyone has an idea?

Thx for any help!


+2  A: 

This will create a List of Maps (the 'data' variable) with controller information. Each element in the List is a Map with keys 'controller', corresponding to the URL name of the controller (e.g. BookController -> 'book'), controllerName corresponding to the class name ('BookController'), and 'actions' corresponding to a List of action names for that controller:

import org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapper
import org.springframework.beans.PropertyAccessorFactory

def data = []
for (controller in grailsApplication.controllerClasses) {
    def controllerInfo = [:]
    controllerInfo.controller = controller.logicalPropertyName
    controllerInfo.controllerName = controller.fullName
    List actions = []
    BeanWrapper beanWrapper = PropertyAccessorFactory.forBeanPropertyAccess(controller.newInstance())
    for (pd in beanWrapper.propertyDescriptors) {
        String closureClassName = controller.getPropertyOrStaticPropertyOrFieldValue(, Closure)?.class?.name
        if (closureClassName) actions <<
    controllerInfo.actions = actions.sort()
    data << controllerInfo
Burt Beckwith