




Hi In a div I gave overflow auto to have a scroll bar to display the content that exceeds the limit My scroll bar appears in blue color that doesn't suit my layout how can i change the color

div#navigation{background:#efe9b9; overflow:auto}

This is the css i am using ... I want brown colored scrll bar How to get it

+3  A: 

(except in IE)You can't change Scrollbars with CSS only, check out the JScrollPane for a Cross browser compatible scrollbar changer.

Kyle Sevenoaks
Actually, you can, but only in IE.
Oh yes. I forgot about IE, conveniently.
Kyle Sevenoaks
@deceze: [webkit supports scrollbar styling](http://trac.webkit.org/export/41842/trunk/LayoutTests/scrollbars/overflow-scrollbar-combinations.html) (view in Chrome/Safari), too, although in a much better manner than IE.
Andy E
In IE it will work or not
@Andy's Oh, cute. Now I can detest two browsers for messing with standard UI elements. ;)
It is cross browser compatible, so yes, it will work.@Andy E's Head: I didn't know that.
Kyle Sevenoaks
@Kyle whats the solution
@udaya: Did you look at the link I gave you? That's a jQuery plugin to enable you to change the appearance of scrollbars in a cross brwoser compatible way..
Kyle Sevenoaks
+1  A: 

You can in IE, but I think it's been deprecated (or removed in IE8).

You can also do it in Safari.

Be warned that it will affect usability negatively.

@ALEX :are you saying that some time it work wrong
@udaya I am saying that a typical user may be confused by the scrollbar if it is a different colour than standard.