I have a h:selectOneMenu thats filled with enum values, which works fine. The only problem is that i don't know how to overwrite the standard JSF error message, when no valid value is selected. The error message is always bv:title: 'Choose' must be convertible to an enum from the enum that contains the constant 'Choose'.
Although i have specified requiredmessage and validatormessage (which works on InputText), only the standard JSF message is shown.
The snippet:
<h:selectOneMenu id="title" value="#{personBean.person.title}" required="true"
<f:selectItem itemValue="Choose" />
<f:selectItems value="#{personBean.titleOptions}" />
<f:ajax event="blur" render="titleError" />
<h:message for="title" errorClass="invalid" id="titleError" />
How can i overwrite the standard validator message? Or better - can i create a copy of the JSF messages.properties with customized error messages (don't want to define all errors in my own messages.properties again)?