name of table here
FOR EACH ROW -- forgot this too
med VARCHAR2(20);
You should really be declaring this as %type.
med visit.medication%type;
SELECT v.medication RCD.specify
Requires a comma between columns
INTO med
Two columns need two variables
FROM visit v, relcondetails RCD
WHERE :new.medication = v.medication AND RCD.specifiy = 'allergies';
You have no join condition between your two tables, that's very bad. This query will perform a Cartesian between the two tables and then return all of them that have 'allergies' and :new.medication in their respective columns.
you also probably need a filter condition to limit the query to a particular patient or a particular visit. This query will do it for all patients and all their visits squared.
IF med = allergies THEN
I don't know what /allergies/ is in this IF. There's no variable that's defined as that and without quotes it's not a string.
RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000, 'Patient Is alergic to this medication');
This error message reinforces what I said about your query. You think you're querying for a single patient but you're not.
END allergy;
Seriously, if you're writing software to save a person from getting potentially life threatening medication then please consider some other line of work. I swear I'm not saying this to be rude, but your code sample shows almost no understanding of the pl/sql language or sql or any scrap of programming background. I think you started with some sample code and tried to modify it into something something. But you're really left with gibberish. I'm starting to think this is homework.