Okay so i have made my first animation video in adobe flash CS5. I used actionscript 3. When i save it i have two files trueEly.swf and trueEly.fla. Video is 1min 15sec long. its size 550x400px. Now i want to embed it into my website.
What is the best way to go for?
I have googled it a lot and read adobe documentation. what i gathered is that probably i shoudnt embed it directly into my website using swf object because my video is too long for that. I though tried and i get problems with adding FLVPlayback to my .fla file. Because it's not avi(or other video format) i seem not to be able to add the playback and pause buttons... to it. this is actually my second question--> if i did do it this way how to add FLVPlayback to animation .fla file.
I also tried to convert it to video file but the quality loss was huge.(i could then upload it to youtube or...)
So what is the best way to put my 1min long animation video on my website?