




I got the following :


I need to convert that to 1.5.3

The problem is I cannot only trim the 0 because if I got :


I need to convert that to 1.5.10

So, what's the better way to solve that problem ? Regex ? If so, any regex example doing that ?

+3  A: 

You could split the string on ., then trim the leading 0s on the results of the split, then merge them back together.

I don't know of a way to do this in a single operation, but you could write a function that hides this and makes it look like a single operation. ;)


I didn't even think of the other guy's regex. Yeah, that will probably do it in a single operation.

+1 for ease of read of resulting code, rather than a regex that would require comments
Miki Watts
+1 I'd prefer this to a regex solution.
@Miki Watts: Well, the regex solution requires no other comment than the split/loop/join variant: `/* remove leading zeros on build number */`.
+15  A: 



with the empty string. The regex is:

(?<=     # begin positive look-behind (i.e. "a position preceded by")
  ^|\.   #   the start of the string or a literal dot †
)        # end positive look-behind
0+       # one or more "0" characters

† note that not all regex flavors support variable-length look-behind, but .NET does.

If you expect this kind of input: "00.03.03" and want to to keep the leading zero in this case (like "0.3.3"), use this expression instead:


and again replace with the empty string.

From the comments (thanks Kobi): There is a more concise expression that does not require look-behind and is equivalent to my second suggestion:


which is

\b       # a word boundary (a position between a word char and a non-word char) 
0+       # one or more "0" characters
(?=\d)   # positive look-ahead: a position that's followed by a digit

This works because the 0 happens to be a word character, so word boundaries can be used to find the first 0 in a row. It is a more compatible expression, because many regex flavors do not support variable-length look-behind, and some (like JavaScript) no look-behind at all.

Can you give me an example of the c# code that does that with the replace please ?
@Melursus: No, because this is *really easy* to find. The official documentation and uncounted websites (including Stack Overflow itself) can give you an example how to use regular expressions in .NET.
`\b0+(?=\d)` will also work nicely here, and keep a single zero.
@Kobi: Nice catch, this is even better than my look-behind.
string s = "01.05.10";
string newS = s.Replace(".0", ".");
newS = newS.StartsWith("0") ? newS.Substring(1, newS.Length - 1) : newS;


NOTE: You will have to thoroughly check for possible input combination.

This might not work if he had `001.00005.10`, but he didn't specify if that would be possible.
+14  A: 

Expanding on the answer of @FrustratedWithFormsDesigner:

string Strip0s(string s)
    return string.Join<int>(".", from x in s.Split('.') select int.Parse(x));
+1 for Linq-ifying it! I keep forgetting that it's possible to do things like that.
+1 nice alternative, though it does not deal with the `"00.03.03"` case (which may or may not occur).
@Tomalak: that's a good point. Let me fix that :-)
@dtb: Yes, that's better.
+1  A: 

Here's another way you could do what FrustratedWithFormsDesigner suggests:

string s = "01.05.10";
string s2 = string.Join(
        .Select(str => str.TrimStart('0'))

This is almost the same as dtb's answer, but doesn't require that the substrings be valid integers (it would also work with, e.g., "000A.007.0HHIMARK").

UPDATE: If you'd want any strings consisting of all 0s in the input string to be output as a single 0, you could use this:

string s2 = string.Join(
        .Select(str => TrimLeadingZeros(str))

public static string TrimLeadingZeros(string text) {
    int number;
    if (int.TryParse(text, out number))
        return number.ToString();
        return text.TrimStart('0');

Example input/output:

00.00.000A.007.0HHIMARK // input
0.0.A.7.HHIMARK         // output
Dan Tao
That's the solution I had before I changed it to `int.Parse`. It fails when a part is made up entirely of `'0'` characters, e.g., `"03.00.10"`.
@dtb: What do you mean by "fails"? I don't see where the OP specified what should happen in this case. If trailing zeros are to be removed, I would've thought the output of "03.00.10" should be "03..10", which it is. Otherwise, the OP would need to provide slightly more detailed requirements (unless I'm missing something).
Dan Tao

This looks like it is a date format, if so I would use Date processing code

DateTime time = DateTime.Parse("01.02.03");
String newFormat = time.ToString("d.M.yy");

or even better

String newFormat = time.ToShortDateString();

which will respect you and your clients culture setting.

If this data is not a date then don't use this :)

David Waters
OP stated it's not a date.
sorry missed the comment. by OP
David Waters
+1  A: 

There's also the old-school way which probably has better performance characteristics than most other solutions mentioned. Something like:

static public string NormalizeVersionString(string versionString)
    if(versionString == null)
       throw new NullArgumentException("versionString");

    bool insideNumber = false;    
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(versionString.Length);
    foreach(char c in versionString)
        if(c == '.')
            insideNumber = false;
        else if(c >= '1' && c <= '9')
            insideNumber = true;
        else if(c == '0')
    return sb.ToString();
C. Dragon 76