In order to keep my Qt project somewhat organized (using Qt Creator), I've got one .pro file and multiple .pri files. Just recently I added a class to one of my .pri files that has the same filename as a class that already existed in a separate .pri file.
The file structure and makefiles generated by qmake appear to be oblivious to the filename collision that ensues. The generated moc_* files all get thrown into the same subdirectory (either release or debug, depending) and one ends up overwriting the other. When I try to make the project, I get several warnings that look like this:
Makefile.Release:318: warning: overriding commands for target `release/moc_file.cpp`
And the project fails to link.
Here is a simple example of what I'm talking about.
Directory structure:
+ project_dir | + subdir1 | | - file.h | | - file.cpp | + subdir2 | | - file.h | | - file.cpp | - main.cpp | - | - subdir1.pri | - subdir2.pri
Contents of
TARGET = project
SOURCES += main.cpp
Contents of subdir1.pri:
HEADERS += subdir1/file.h
SOURCES += subdir1/file.cpp
Contents of subdir2.pri:
HEADERS += subdir2/file.h
SOURCES += subdir2/file.cpp
Is there a way to tell qmake to generate a system that puts the moc_* files from separate .pri files into separate subdirectories?