



So I'm having a problem with the charting engine from the WPF toolkit.

We haven't moved our data to a proper object model, so the ItemSource is backed with a DataView.

First attempt

<chartingToolkit:ScatterSeries x:Name="TargetSeries" 
  DataPointStyle="{StaticResource TargetStyle}"  
  ItemsSource="{Binding Path=TargetSeriesData}"
  IndependentValueBinding="{Binding Path=TargetSeries_X}" 
  DependentValueBinding="{Binding Path=TargetSeries_X}" />

This crashes because, I believe, it thinks the bindings are the values to plot or some sort of mismatch.

Second attempt

<chartingToolkit:ScatterSeries x:Name="TargetSeries" 
  DataPointStyle="{StaticResource TargetStyle}" 
  ItemsSource="{Binding Path=TargetSeriesData}"
  IndependentValuePath="{Binding Path=TargetSeries_X}"
  DependentValuePath="{Binding Path=TargetSeries_X}" />

This crashes during the init step becaue the Path properties aren't backed with dependency properties and therefore cannot be bound.

Third attempt

<chartingToolkit:ScatterSeries x:Name="TargetSeries" 
  DataPointStyle="{StaticResource TargetStyle}"  
  ItemsSource="{Binding Path=TargetSeriesData}"
  DependentValuePath="targetFooYColumnName" />

Now this works! But I wanted to use the binding so I can switch from using the targetFooXColumnName to the targetFooBarXColumnName. So this solution will cause a whole lot of hacky looking code to switch the Path's manually.

Anyway to fix this? Can I use some sort of convertor to get the Binding properties to correctly pull the data from the columns in the DataView?

Thanks, Joel