



Hi there,

i recently installed some snippets that come with the mvvm-light framework i am using. And sure enought i checked via

    Tools > Code Snippet Manager

and they are installed under "My Code Snippets".

If i do insert Snipper (right click in code window) or CTRL K + CTRL X then i can search within all available snippets....

But i do believe its possible to just type the shortcut key (in this case it is mvvmlocatorproperty) and pressing tab inserts the snippet

BUT when i type the shortcut key it is not recognizing anything...

What am i doing wrong??

This is not an incompatibility with resharper 5? - which i have installed

Any ideas really appreciated



No it should work with R# 5.0, I have it installed also. I am not sure what the issue is. Send me an email and I will pass you my MSN ID so that we can try and debug that.

Thanks, Laurent

I sent you an email with regards to this.. Best regards
mark smith

Hi, I'm having the same problem can you post the solution if you found it?

Apparently Resharper inteliisense disables custom snippets. Only option is to use the shortcut key Ctrl K-Ctrl X to insert the snippet manually.