What are some recommended resources/books/blogs on SQL Server Integration Services?
What are some recommended resources/books/blogs on SQL Server Integration Services?
I enjoyed Hands-On Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Integration Services. It's got running exercises that you can get your hands dirty with. Doesn't get super-deep, but if you're just starting out, it's a good landing point.
I would recommend an excellent series of articles by Marcin Policht
There are about 50 articles at the moment and each focuses on different aspect of the SSIS, they are pretty detailed and I found them to be an excellent source of information on the subject of SSIS
Leanr the Proejct Real reference architechture - http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/sql/2005/projreal.mspx. This will show you everything you need to know about SSIS and SSAS. It's a tremendous example of a ton of real world best practices.
I have found that perusing the SQL Server Integration Services MSDN Forum to be informative.