



Hi I'm using Hibernate 3.2 with a 1.6 JDK and Mysql 5.0 I'm trying to use the criteria api to put together a dynamic filter. However when I add a Restriction on a Set of Enums that is a property of my Criteria object I get a org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException.

my code is like this:

public class FollowUp {
    public Set<AdminCategory> getAdminCategories() {...}
    public void setAdminCategories(Set<AdminCategory> _arg) { ... }


My hibernate mapping file has a set of Enum values as specified in the hibernate documentation: The file (FollowUp.hbm.xml ) is like this

    <typedef class="dao.util.HibernateAdminCategoryType" name="main-category" />
    <class name="FollowUp" table="follow_up">
    <!-- other properties here -->
    <set name="mainCategories" table="follow_up_main_categories" fetch="join" lazy="false">
             <key column="fup_id"/>
             <element column="identifier" type="main-category"/>
     <!-- other stuff -->

the criteria filter code is like this:

public void runFilter(FollowUpFilter _filter) {
    Criteria criteria = this.getSession().createCriteria(FollowUp.class);
    if (_filter.hasMainCategories()) {
        criteria.add("mainCategories", _filter.getMainCategories()));    
    criteria.setResultTransformer( Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY );

    Integer count = (Integer) criteria.uniqueResult();

When I run my tests (with sql output) I get the following error:

Statement parameter 1 not set.
org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: could not execute query

the sql output is as follows:

    count(*) as y0_ 
    follow_up this_ 
where in (

Does anyone know the correct way to filter on a set of enum values in a Criteria (in Hibernate 3.2)?

Cheers Simon