I need to populate a context menu from a database at run time. I do not know the number of items that will be in the list, so I would like to handle the click event in a single place. How do I declare the handler so I can tell which menu item actually triggered the click.
Public Function GetBookmarkContextMenu(ByVal aBookmark As Bookmark) As System.Windows.Controls.ContextMenu
Dim myContextMenu As New Controls.ContextMenu
myContextMenu.Name = "BookmarkMenu"
For Each aMailingList As MasterService.FalconBookmarkMailingListType In GlobalUserSettings.MailingLists
Dim mySubMenuItem As New Controls.MenuItem
mySubMenuItem.Name = "MailingListName" & aMailingList.ID.ToString
mySubMenuItem.Header = aMailingList.Title
AddHandler (myMenuItem.Click), AddressOf ForwardToList_Click
mySubMenuItem.IsEnabled = True
return myContextMenu
End Function
Public Sub ForwardToList_Click()
'How do I know which of the dynamically created items was clicked?
End Sub