



I am using WPF for an image resizing pipeline which has been working beautifully under .NET v3.5. I just upgraded the project to target v4.0 and now all of my resized images are heavily aliased. None of the image pipeline code has changed.

  1. Has a default WPF setting changed between v3.5 and v4.0?

  2. How do I control the dithering of my resized bitmap images in WPF?

I'm using BitmapImage, DrawingVisual, DrawingContext, RenderTargetBitmap, BitmapEncoder, and BitmapFrame but I'm not seeing any properties related to dithering. GDI+ had a bunch of settings, so I'm guessing that I'm missing something.

Update: it appears that all of the solutions I've seen assume a Window object or XAML environment. This runs inside a Windows Service which has no UI. I need a way to programmatically affect this setting.

I specifically switched from GDI+ to WPF because GDI+ has memory leaks in long running processes like services & web apps.

+1  A: 

The default BitmapScalingMode was Fant in 3.0 but in 4.0 it is now BiLinear. You can change the default a few different ways. A couple described here.

Jeremiah Morrill
The link is not quite the context that I'm using it. I am using the classes and calling them programmatically rather than declaratively. I've tried both calling `RenderOptions.SetBitmapScalingMode(..., BitmapScalingMode.HighQuality)` and `RenderOptions.SetBitmapScalingMode(..., BitmapScalingMode.Fant)` on all of those objects above which implement `DependencyObject`. Doesn't appear to have any effect. The docs imply that the object should be a descendant of `UIElement` or `DrawingGroup`. I use neither.

The only way I've been able to affect the setting of BitmapScalingMode is to inherit from the DrawingVisual class and set it via its protected accessor:

// exposes BitmapScalingMode (also works for other protected properties)
public class MyDrawingVisual : DrawingVisual
    public BitmapScalingMode BitmapScalingMode
        get { return this.VisualBitmapScalingMode; }
        set { this.VisualBitmapScalingMode = value; }

If anyone else knows of a better way to set this, I would be excited to hear about it.

It seems that this would work:

RenderOptions.SetBitmapScalingMode(myDrawingVisual, BitmapScalingMode.HighQuality);

...but it does not. Apparently being outside of the XAML windowing runtime must mean that it cannot set the appropriate values.