It's not supported, but as a hack, you could loop through all the letters in the string, and insert a blank space character between each one. You can create a simple function for it as such:
Edit - I re-did this in Visual Studio and tested - bugs are now removed.
private string SpacedString(string myOldString)
System.Text.StringBuilder newStringBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder("");
foreach (char c in myOldString.ToCharArray())
newStringBuilder.Append(c.ToString() + ' ');
string MyNewString = "";
if (newStringBuilder.Length > 0)
// remember to trim off the last inserted space
MyNewString = newStringBuilder.ToString().Substring(0, newStringBuilder.Length - 1);
// no else needed if the StringBuilder's length is <= 0... The resultant string would just be "", which is what it was intitialized to when declared.
return MyNewString;
Then your line of code above would just be modified as :
g.DrawString(SpacedString("MyString"), new Font("Courier", 44, GraphicsUnit.Pixel), Brushes.Black, new PointF(262, 638));