I use this BNF to parser my script: `
{identset} = {ASCII} - {"\{\}}; //<--all ascii charset except '\"' '{' and '}'
{strset} = {ASCII} - {"};
ident = {identset}*;
str = {strset}*;
node ::= ident "{" nodes "}" | //<--entry point
"\"" str "\"" |
nodes ::= node nodes |
it can parse correctly the following text into tree structure `
doc {
title { "some title goes here" }
refcode { "SDS-1" }
rev { "1.0" }
revdate { "04062010" }
body {
"this is the body of the document
all text should go here"
chapter { "some inline section" }
"text again"
my question is, how do i handle escape sequence inside string literal: `
"some text of \"quotation\" should escape"