



Hi All,

I am using C#,ASP.NET

I have a Gridview for which I have provided Sorting, Edit functionality. I am not able to perform EDIT when I perform Sorting. After sorting edit is set on some other row. I think there is some problem with the index it is taking..

Can any one help me how to fix this..

Regards sbmarya


Please Paste your current code. Thanks.

protected void gvUsers_RowEditing(object sender, GridViewEditEventArgs e) { gvUsers.EditIndex = e.NewEditIndex; Class2 obj2 = new Class2(); gvUsers.DataSource = obj2.getUsers(); gvUsers.DataBind(); obj2 = null; }
public static Boolean sortDirection; protected void SortMe(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e) { Class2 c2 = new Class2(); if (sortDirection) { gvUsers.DataSource = c2.getUsersSortFirstNameDESC(); gvUsers.DataBind(); sortDirection = false; } else { gvUsers.DataSource = c2.getUsersSortFirstNameASC(); gvUsers.DataBind(); sortDirection = true; } }

I think the issue is that the sorting is using a different call/datasouce than the editing. So in the RowEditing event I am getting an index relative to the sort order (either ASC() or DESC()). But then I am binding using getUsers() which is returning the data in a different order.

What I did is I stored some kind of a flag(Value) in ViewState to indicate what sort order I am in and made use of that when I am binding in the Editing event, so that I can call the right method to return the same datasource.

Regards, sbmarya
