I have a directory of very large XML files with a structure as this:
<EmployeeInfo attr="one" />
<EmployeeInfo attr="two" />
<EmployeeInfo attr="three" />
<EmployeeInfo attr="four" />
<EmployeeInfo attr="five" />
<EmployeeInfo attr="six" />
Now I am looking for a simple way to merge these files (*.xml) files into one output file:
<EmployeeInfo attr="one" />
<EmployeeInfo attr="two" />
<EmployeeInfo attr="three" />
<EmployeeInfo attr="four" />
<EmployeeInfo attr="five" />
<EmployeeInfo attr="six" />
I was thinking about using pure XSLT such as this one:
<xsl:transform version="1.0"
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:copy-of select="document('file1.xml')"/>
<xsl:copy-of select="document('file2.xml')"/>
This works but isn't as flexible as I want. Being a novice with PowerShell (version 2) eager to learn new best pracctices of working with XML in PowerShell I am wondering what is the simplest, purest PowerShell way of merging the structre of XML documents into one?
Cheers, Joakim