



Hey guys,

i'm migrating my server app to a windows server 2008 64-bit. I'm using eventlogs to monitor exceptions and to see where things might go wrong. When i'm initialising a class, it call this :

tapiManager = new TapiManager("");

This is present in the Atapi wrapper from JulMar, to monitor calls. When i put that piece of code in comment, my service starts and i can connect with my clients. When uncommented, my service start / stops. So obviously, that is the piece of code that makes it go wrong. i've put it in a try-catch block, but there's no exception caught.

    Trace.WriteLine("Come on dude, do it!");
    tapiManager = new TapiManager("");
    Trace.WriteLine("Nice job, you did it");
catch (Exception ex)
{ Trace.WriteLine(ex.Message); }

Has anyone worked with this wrapper and succesfully used it on a 64-bit machine?

i've read this link, but cannot figure out what to do with it (tried building my app as 64-bit, not working either -- only options to build are x86 (standard), x64 or itanium).

Can someone help?

Thanks in advance.


Tapi is a managed wrapper of a native 32 bit DLL. this means you must compile your code with x86 settings to run properly.

since this is a wrapper you need the unmanaged dll too. is it located in the expected folder?

i'm building all my apps in x86 settings, so i take that's okwell, wrapper/dll, thought that was the same... i got the Atapi.dll added the service project, and i see the dll also being added to my setup project. i think that's supposed to be this way