+3  A: 

LinqToTwitter uses LINQ in an unusual way. Stuff in the 'from' clause is not, logically, an enumerable type. Have a look at the source :)

As a convenience, here's the link: http://linqtotwitter.codeplex.com/
+2  A: 


  • PushLINQ (me and Jon) - reverses LINQ to a push model (rather than the IEnumerable<T> pull model)
  • Reactive Framework / Reactive Extensions - another very different eventing model incorporating LINQ syntax
  • I wrote a threading API (ab)using the LINQ query syntax; I wasn't 100% convinced by it, so ditched it - but it was interesting; used from (SelectMany) etc to pick out branch/merge points completely unrelated to enumerables
Marc Gravell
Answering your own questions is not bad, at all... you don't get any rep from it anyway, so it's only just laying out good info for others. And you did give people a decent amount of time to answer it - and then some more!