I'm using MS IIS 6. And I have 3 https web pages: c1.aspx with a link to c2.aspx, this one has a Response.Redirect, on page load, to c3.aspx, where this last accepts client certificates. I'm using a smart card reader to get the certificate from a card. The problem is when I cancel the box to insert the PIN I receive an http response with the header Status-Line = ERROR_INTERNET_SECURITY_CHANNEL_ERROR. In the web browser (IE 8) I see a typical page saying "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage"; and I wanted it to redirect to c3.aspx or another aspx page. If I press F5 while in the web browser error page it goes to c3. I've seen web sites using aspx/IIS 6 that upon receiving this error, they redirect to some aspx web page (like that error was handled somehow).
This error in unavoidable; what can I do to handle this error? Any ideas?