



I have a need to build a website and several DLLs that it references in an x86 configuration. To date we have been using Web Deployment Projects to create Zip files of the resultant site and all it's required files. We need to continue to use WDPs however, they seem to have problems with the x86 build configuration.

In my project, when I build the solution in Release/x86 I get the following error.

           Description                              File                           Line   Column   Project
Error  80  Could not load type 'WwwRooot.Default'.  /WwwRooot.csproj/Default.aspx  1      1        WwwRooot.csproj_deploy

There are no build errors or warnings from the web application or any of the referenced class libraries.

I thought this might be something specific to the project I'm working on so to prove myself wrong I created a solution containing a Web Application (c#). I then used the Configuration Manager to create the x86 configuration by copying the Any CPU config. I checked the properties page an made sure the new config was set to build to x86, and it was. I built the solution without error.

Next I right clicked the Web App and added a WDP from the context menu. Right clicked on the WDP and edited the project file. At this point I changed any references for AnyCPU to x86 so that the WDP has conditions of x86 build. I rebuilt the solution in Release/x86 and everything builds fine.

Next I add a Class Library, use Configuration Manager to create an x86 config for this library, add a reference to the web app for the library and then rebuild all in Release/x86 and I receive the same error as detailed above.

Are WDPs compatible with x86 build?

If I remove the Class Library (and the reference) the solution (including the WDP) builds fine.

I am using Visual Studio 2008 SP1, with the appropriate WDPs installed, on 64Bit Windows 7 Pro.