Does anybody know the reason why CSS type selectors cannot be used inside MXML components, and/or a trick to make it work?
I see absolutely no reason for a such simple functionnality not to be supported, and I'd really like to understand.
After all I read about CSS in Flex 4 being so much better than in Flex 3, I find myself quite disapointed when I'm forced to repeat myself, addding the same parameter to all my buttons...
@namespace s "library://";
.sampleStyle { color: red; }
<s:Button label="1" styleName="sampleStyle"/>
<s:Button label="2" styleName="sampleStyle"/>
<s:Button label="3" styleName="sampleStyle"/>
...while I could simply use a type selector and keep my MXML code a lot cleaner and readable.
@namespace s "library://";
s|Button { color: red; }
<s:Button label="1"/>
<s:Button label="2"/>
<s:Button label="3"/>
I didn't found any information on this issue (apart from Adobe documentation which basically just says "that's not possible"), but I'd really like to know the reason behind this.
Is there something I don't get, or are these selectors actually totally useless?