Yes, I can recommend Programming Scala for experienced Java developers.
I think it is a very good guide to Scala, especially for
Java developers (I'm a 12 year Java veteran).
I have the PDF edition (I have ordered the
hardcopy edition as well) and I refer to it on a regular basis.
It is very large (754pp) and sometimes hard to find the exact help
you need, but for learning Scala, I found it very helpful.
There is enough detail on the various aspects of the language
and libraries (i.e. closures, for/yield, XML syntax, Combinator Parsing,
Scala Swing, type paraemterization) to get you going.
The print edition will be coming out shortly, so you might be able to get a
copy from a library or a colleague
and evaluate it further before buying.
I'd like to see better (more current) documentation in Wiki format.
I personally find the Scala Wiki interface and organization too awkward
to work with. The Scala wiki on Wikia may be a better
resource once it picks up momentum.