



I am installing SQL server 2008. I have installed .Net framewok 3.5. Then I got folder SQL Server 2008.Then I performed following steps-

  1. In that I clicked configuration Tools.
  2. Then I clicked SQL Server Installation Center.
  3. I clicked "Installation" hyperlink on left side.
  4. Then I clicked "New SQL server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation"
  5. Then i got a window "Browse for SQL server Installation Media"

which folder should i choose..?? OR is there any other method to install SQL Server..??


Just go with the free express edition of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 if that's an option to you:

Download sizes: 32-bit - 235 MB
                64-bit - 247 MB

You'll have no hassles... :)

Leniel Macaferi