



my goal is to get lots of rows from a translation table. I use an ID to get a subset of the table (say 50 rows) then I use another ID to the rows I want from this subset. Using typed datasets I do the following to get the main dataset:

funderTextsDS.tbl_funderTextsDataTable fd = 
(funderTextsDS.tbl_funderTextsDataTable)(new funderTextsDSTableAdapters.tbl_funderTextsTableAdapter()).GetData();

Then for each value I want to get:

fd.Select("eng_code = '" + element + "' and funderID = '" + funderID + "'")[0]["funderText"].ToString();

Using ANTS profiler to check the code I found that this method used about 170ms over 10 page refreshes (220 calls to the

When I rewrote this to LINQ it took more than 2000ms to do the same work. Here is the LINQ code I used:

IrmDatabaseContext irmDB = new IrmDatabaseContext();
irmDB.tbl_funderTexts.Single(f => f.funderID == funderId && f.eng_code == element).funderText;

Anyone have a good way of doing this with LINQ? By looking into sql server profiler i saw that the LINQ actually generated a single select for each text i retrieved. (ie LINQ= 220 selects from the db, tableadapter method = 10 selects)

Solution: After having read around the net I found that David B was on the right track, although the for loop threw me off for quite a while. Anyway, the trick as he said, is to use a list as this actually forces linq to run the query against the DB and cache it localy.

So my solution ended up like this:

List<tbl_funderText> fd = (from tf in irmDB.tbl_funderTexts
                      where tf.funderID == (int)cpcrow.cpc_fundingPartnerID
                      select tf).ToList();

Then everytime I want an element I do:

fd.Single(f => f.eng_code == element).funderText;

Analyzing with ANTS I then found that time was reduced to 150ms (about the same as the tableAdapter. SQL query analyzer shows that the SQL is run only one time.


I'm not sure if this will help but try and use a .where instead of .single. Somthing like this:

var data = mDB.tbl_funderTexts.where(f => f.funderID == funderid && f.eng_code == element)
var fundertext = data.single().funderText
Nathan W
Actually, Single(predicate) should be preferred over Where(predicate).Single(), since it allows identity cache usage without round trip. See connect:
Marc Gravell
ahhh I see, thanks.
Nathan W
+1  A: 

Ah, so in the TableAdapter method, you're pulling rows into memory and then querying those in-memory rows further. That's easy to do in LINQ.

myDataContext dc = new myDataContext();
List<FunderText> myList = myDataContext.tbl_funderTexts.ToList();

List<string> result1 = new List<string>();
foreach(var theValue in myValues)
    myList.First(f => f.funderID == theValue.funderId && f.eng_code == element).funderText
David B
I don't quite get what you are trying to do here. Why are you looping? I want a single value, Although I want 22 single values, 22 different places in the code (and they are not sorted). What is "myValues"?
You don't have to loop, I just thought your 22 values might have been collected. I did want to point out First over Single (single will throw if there are two or more matches).
David B