





since the new SDK 1.1 is missing the tutorial for "ASPProviders", i am currently asking myself how i would implement a "azure session state provider" ( this is the path in the "old" SDK: C:\Program Files\Windows Azure SDK\v1.0\Samples\AspProviders )

Related threads: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1023108/how-does-microsoft-azure-handle-session-state http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/windowsazure/thread/2d1340ed-0ad0-456a-b069-aa6b85672102/

Has anyone an idea or even the old example project and could post some snippets of the config here?


I just ran across this a few minutes ago since I'm trying to do the same thing as you:


Thanks, but not exactly what i am looking for.. i'd rather like to use the storage of azure instead of SQL Azure...
+1  A: 

The old samples are here. But here are the caveats:

  • They are old and have not been updated in a while
  • There are a few bugs (some the result of underlying changes in the Win Azure since then, other simply bugs)
  • There are no unit tests, so you will need to either write your own or live with that.

But, it is a starting point if you are interested in using Win Azure storage (tables + blobs).

Eugenio Pace
+1  A: 

A version that works is included in the Windows Azure Platform Training Kit (plus a whole lot of other good sample code).

Download the training kit and install it somewhere on your drive, then you should be able to find it at: \Labs\BuildingWebFormAppsWithWindowsAzure\Source\Assets

Don't forget to look at (or copy) the web.config file that configures the providers in: \Labs\BuildingWebFormAppsWithWindowsAzure\Source\Ex1-UsingAzureProviders\End\CS\AzureStore

Its also in the Assets folder for a few of the other examples, but that should work for you.

Jason Haley
These are mostly the same as in the Win Azure SDK additional samples. Some bug fixed, but it mostly the same architecture. I would encourage people to do some heavy testing for your requirements (e.g. load test, perf, etc), before deploying in production.
Eugenio Pace

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