Hello All
I am encountering an issue when I am trying to load a large result set using a range query in Oracle 10g. When I try a smaller range (1 to 100), it works but when I try a larger range(1 and 1000),
I get the following error "ORA-22814: attribute or element value is larger than specified in type" error. I have a basic UDT (PostComments_Type) and I have tried using both a VArray and a Table type of PostComments_Type but that hasn't made a difference.
Your help is appreciated --Thanks Venu
floorId IN NUMBER,
ceilingId IN NUMBER,
o_PostComments_LARGE_COLL_TYPE OUT PostComments_LARGE_COLL_TYPE -- Tried using as VArray and also Table type of PostComments_Type
SELECT PostComments_TYPE
BULK COLLECT INTO o_PostComments_LARGE_COLL_TYPE ------------This is for VARRAY/Table Type. So bulk operation
FROM PostComments
PostComments_ID BETWEEN floorId And ceilingId;
END RangeLoad;