




SYBASE ::i created server using sp_addserver SERVER_NAME i had not mentioned any port, or any other options.. now i see entry of server with class ASEnterprise i donot see any interface file being updated.. now my problem is how to start the newly added server


sp_addserver defines a local name to be associated with a host & port of another server (so you can direct remote queries to it, etc.). If you don't specify a physical address or a port number, then your server will try to lookup the information in it's interfaces file.

sp_addserver does not add anything to the interfaces file, and it doesn't create a server that you can start.


You said "If you don't specify a physical address or a port number, then your server will try to lookup the information in it's interfaces file."

1> then how can i specify the IP address and port number? 2> How would i know with which server it has been associated with?