




This program should not have a visible window, more like a daemon. (a taskbar program for instance) Any links or advice will be appreciated.

+7  A: 

You might want to consider writing a Windows Service.

If you just need to execute a specific action at certain times you could make use of the Windows Task Scheduler.

If you want an icon in the system tray you could write an ordinary Windows Forms application but have the main form hidden until the user requests it. This article explains how.

Mark Byers
+1  A: 

Or if you want to run tasks on a timer, the Windows Task Scheduler's where it's at.

+1  A: 

When I've built applications that need this functionality before, I've always used the Windows Task Scheduler through a simple .NET library that I found.

Please see my answer to a similar question for some sample code and more explanation.

Maxim Zaslavsky