



I have a Flash movie embedded in some DIV. The trouble is that when I change any property of the enclosing DIV dynamically, Firefox (not other browsers) restarts/reinitializes Flash movie effectively resetting the whole progress (eg: file selection for upload, etc.).

Is there some sort of a workaround for this?

+3  A: 

Try hiding it with visibility:hidden or if all else fails, position:absolute;left:-9999px.

I presume Firefox doesn't want to waste memory and CPU on Flash animation that's invisible, so it kills it.

Thanks, man! Does the trick!

This isnt an answer, but for some reason im not able to post a comment.

Anyway, the answer above does not work in Firefox 3.5 and Flash 10, setting position:absolute causes Firefox to kill the Flash instance. Setting visibility:hidden does work, but doesnt solve alot of issues as the div will still exist in the view.
