I have two WPF windows developed using the surface SDK, one that is a data entry form, and the second dispays the data in a listbox. The listbox displays the data perfectly but when I add a new record using the data entry form, the listbox is not updated until I reopen the window. Is there a way to automatically update the listbox through binding or something?
This is the listbox code:
<s:SurfaceListBox Height="673" Margin="0,26,0,31" Name="surfaceListBox1" ItemsSource="{Binding Path={}}" Width="490">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Label Width="80" FontSize="8" Content="{Binding Path=item1}"></Label>
<Label Width="80" FontSize="8" Content="{Binding Path=item2}"></Label>
<Label Width="210" FontSize="8" Content="{Binding Path=item3}"></Label>
<Label Width="80" FontSize="8" Content="{Binding Path=item4}"></Label>
<Label Width="60" FontSize="8" Content="{Binding Path=item5, Converter={StaticResource booleanconverter}}"></Label>
I am using Visual C# 2008 and the code to fill the listbox is:
private SHIPS_LOGDataSet ShipData = new SHIPS_LOGDataSet();
private SHIPS_LOGDataSetTableAdapters.MAINTableAdapter taMain = new SHIPS_LOGDataSetTableAdapters.MAINTableAdapter();
private SHIPS_LOGDataSetTableAdapters.TableAdapterManager taManager = new ShipsLogSurface.SHIPS_LOGDataSetTableAdapters.TableAdapterManager();
private void SurfaceWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
this.DataContext = from MAIN in this.ShipData.MAIN orderby MAIN.MESSAGE_ID descending select MAIN;
The only table in my database is called MAIN.
I'm guessing I might have to use a collection view or similar but don't know how to implement that. Any ideas would be much appreciated. Thanks