



I have the following:

This is just normal text...

\item First Item ?\\\\
This is the text of the first item
\item Second Item ?\\\\
This is the text of the second item

Which renders the following:

This is just normal text...

1. First Item ?

   This is the text of the first item

2. Second Item ? 

   This is the text of the second item

I want to specify that the text of the items has no indentation. Basically, I want it to be rendered like such:

This is just normal text...

1. First Item ?

This is the text of the first item

2. Second Item ? 

This is the text of the second item

How can I specify this form of no indentation?

+2  A: 

Try customizing the list environment by providing appropriate values for \leftmargin, and \itemindent.

Something like the following (untested, values may actually differ since I don’t know what reference point is used):

 {\begin{list}{\labelitemi}{\leftmargin=0em \itemindent=0em}}
Konrad Rudolph
+2  A: 

Konrad Rudolph's suggestion is on right track, but needs a couple tweaks. Here's tested version that should get what OP wants, requires adding a counter and zeroing out labelsep and labelwidth in addtion to what Konrad was doing:



 {\begin{list}{\arabic{mycounter}.~~}{\usecounter{mycounter} \labelsep=0em \labelwidth=0em \leftmargin=0em \itemindent=0em}}


\item \lipsum[1]
\item \lipsum[1]


Another solution would be to just use a user-defined counter without defining a new list environment at all. Then you could just use ordinary block paragraphs with no indent and insert and increment the user-defined counter as first part of each numbered paragraph. Would be slightly less code than the 'noindlist' macro above.

You define the counter with same \newcounter{mycounter} command. Increment with \stepcounter{mycounter}. And insert with \arabic{mycounter}. You could define a little macro to do the step and the insert in same command in front of each numbered paragraph.

Herbert Sitz