



hi guys,

im working with the jquery ui draggable plugin and i have an html 5 video element with "preload controls" that acts kind of buggy. I


if i drag the video by clicking on the video controls and i'm releasing the mouse again, the video still sticks with the mouse.

<div class='thumb video'><video width='260' height='200' preload controls>

i have no chance to release the video again if i started draggin it at the video controls.

any idea how i could fix this! i probaply should script my own video controls to fix this.


This one was tough. The video player really did stick to the mouse and eat those mouse up events. However, here's my workaround:

I check the internal Y coordinate of the mouse position during mouse over (adjustable value) and if it's outside of the range, I disable the drag-n-drop feature. I saw that the mousemove() event continued to fire when it was sticky, so that looked like an ideal access point for the logic:

$(function () {

        .mousemove(function (e) {
            var yAxis = e.pageY - this.offsetTop;
            $(this).draggable("option", "disabled", (yAxis > 150) ? true : false);
