



My website uses a variety of technologies, such as JQuery, new CSS definitions (e.g., moz-selection, -webkit-user-select), etc.

The site works perfectly with Google Chrome and Safari, but has some quirkiness in Firefox, IE, and some of the other browsers.

I want to write a script to check for necessary browser features but, with several thousand lines of code and CSS definitions, I'm not certain which features I should be looking for.

Is there some sort of online analysis (similar to how JSLint operates) that would tell me which features my script and CSS files need? Are there tools (like FireBug) that provide this info?

+1  A: 

I don't think ull ever find that fabulous script.
As an alternative Modernizr and IE7 JS will probably satisfy most of your needs for now.

Thank you for this. I had never heard of Modernizr.
Alan Neal