BindingSource.Filter property is doesn't work while i filter with the unicode characters. any soluctoion for that? or how to implement custom BindingSource to use correct filter property.
private void filter()
BindingSource bs = null;
if (dgvData.DataSource.GetType() == typeof(BindingSource))
bs = dgvData.DataSource as BindingSource;
if ((txtFilterValue.Text.Trim().Length > 0) && (cboFilterField.Text.Trim().Length > 0) && (bs != null))
//"က ခ ဂ".StartsWith("က"); //true
bs.Filter = "CONVERT([" + cboFilterField.Text + "], System.String) LIKE CONVERT('" + txtFilterValue.Text.Trim() + "%" + "', System.String)";
//bs.Filter = "[" + cboFilterField.Text + "] LIKE '" + txtFilterValue.Text.Trim() + "%'";
bs.Filter = "";
txtFilterValue.Text = "";
catch (Exception e)
check above method. it's worked for en/us encoding. but doesn't work on myanmar unicode. i just use ZawGyi_One unicode font. [ က ခ ဂ ... ]. String comparison is correct //"က ခ ဂ".StartsWith("က"); //true. so i want to know detail about filter property and how to customize for that..
2010-06-07 09:23:26