




I was wondering how you could encrypt/decrypt your querystring in a simple page? some values need to be passed between different pages but the querystring cannot be changed or read.

Some say httphandles could be the solution for this.

Any thoughts?


hi thx for all the comments. this is the problem, sometimes the sessions disappear without any reason (well there must be one but I don't know it yet). I've looked into the possible reasons but nothing that could cause it is happening. Therefore I cannot rely on it anymore. The cookie solution is a possibility but it will be more work to implement than simply using the querystring. The url can be copied at any time just not changed!

Cheers, M.

+2  A: 

You'll have to encrypt it manually using one of the .Net encryptions. Really this isn't what the query string is for. If you don't want the users to be able to access it, you should find a different way of passing it between pages.

Here is a project that will show you how to do symmetric encryption.

Dare I mention this, because it will create significant overhead, but you can post your information in the view state and use cross page posts to pass the information around:

yeah i know but sessions aren't reliable. i really have no more idea on how to pass the values.
Sem Dendoncker

How about adding the value you need to the Viewstate? Viewstate can encrypted and validated for you.

ViewState["myKey"] = "myValue";

and then later

string myValue = ViewState["myKey"]

To enable encryption:

<%@Page ViewStateEncryptionMode="Always" %>


      <pages ViewStateEncryptionMode="Always" />
Paul Kearney - pk
this works as long as you work in the same page. the viewstate is lost when refering to the next page, that's what i need it for.but thx for the answer appreciate it
Sem Dendoncker

Hi guys,

Thx for all the replies. I eventually went for the cookies solution.

Thx for the solution ChrisW

This will answer the question:

Cheers, M.

Sem Dendoncker